Knowledge base of the Mathias Corvinus Collegium


3/27/23, 3:43 PM

Another Europe is emerging from the rubble of the Brussels techno EU, but when will the world really change?

The war brought Europe into the era of geopolitics under threat.
3/25/23, 10:14 PM

Mindfulness intervention techniques and their application among adolescents and university students – with an outlook on individuals with ADHD -

In the following studies I try to present various topics regarding both ADHD and ED in order to gain a better understanding on the phenomenon.
3/6/23, 10:44 AM

Right-wing union: what is happening in other democracies?

The 'respectable' right, as a result of the cultural and intellectual hegemony of the centre-left, inevitably moved towards the centre of the political spectrum.
3/2/23, 10:02 PM

The game of life: on the playful elements in human behaviour

For some time I have been thinking about the presence of playful elements in human behaviour that, at first glance, have little to do with play itself as we perform or observe it.
2/21/23, 2:34 PM

Central and Eastern Europe and the Anglo-Saxon world viewed in four master-pieces of English and German literature

It is worth exploring literature in order to search some kind of help, if not proper explanations, to the current conflict in Europe.
2/16/23, 8:20 PM
Author: Heinz Theisen

Self-assertion in globalization – The West must embrace the new reality of self limitation

The will for self-assertion in the Western world seems to be weakening, and this is particularly true for Germany and the German social elite, from higher education to the media and parliaments. Instead of asserting themselves, they were busy criticising and disrupting our culture and interests.
2/13/23, 9:04 AM

The EU is making a huge mistake by excluding Hungarian students from Erasmus+ funding

Young Hungarians will vent their anger on the Brussels bureaucracy instead of the country’s maverick government.
2/12/23, 3:06 PM

Why we should all follow the debate around Australia Day

An angry debate raging 15,000 kilometres from Budapest is instructive of the Left’s efforts to discredit and hollow out our shared moments of national remembrance.
1/30/23, 6:00 AM
Author: Song Lilei

Hungary's choice between China- EU relations: a "ferry country"

The complexity of the EU's policy toward China is becoming increasingly prominent. First,with China's economic output exceeding that of the 27 EU countries combined, Europe increasingly sees China as a major economic and technological competitor.
1/25/23, 6:00 AM

Discovering the Wheel: Classical Legal Solutions to the Problems of the Information Age

Despite the constant changes around us, some things remain the same. Human beings still fall in love and, as we are reminded recently, we also fall in war. It is still easier to fill a stadium to watch a football match than to hear a lecture about law. And Europeans still have long memories of the past while Americans have long visions of the future.
1/23/23, 12:41 PM
Author: Eric Hendriks

Chinese Political Thought Between Nation and World

Since modernity entered China in the mid-nineteenth century, national empowerment has stood at the heart of Chinese political thought. It has been modern China's central political objective to acquire national “wealth and power” (富强). It is the central motif in Xi Jinping’s speeches and animated the reform movement of Deng Xiaoping, the Stalinist regime of Mao Zedong, and the writings of earlier modernizing intellectuals such as Kang Youwei, Liang Qiqao, and Chen Duxiu. The phrase “wealth and power” may sound very materialistic, but both sides have a spiritual dimension. China is also to become spiritually prosperous, while power is also the power to interpret and judge things independently. Dignity is crucial. China does not want to be a peripheral, underdeveloped, and abused corner of a world where Western powers, and America in particular, call the shots politically and set the standards ideologically and culturally. No, the Chinese nation should be able to face the world with pride and confidence.
1/17/23, 9:08 AM

Germany’s Military has a Problem: Its Soldiers

Germany wants to add 20.000 soldiers to its armed forces by 2031. That may well prove to be impossible.
1/11/23, 2:07 PM

It’s time to take Germany’s Left seriously

Germany’s ruling Greens and Social Democrats are becoming adept at capturing formal and informal domestic power bases.
1/6/23, 8:55 AM

What the Greater Idaho Movement reveals about our divided societies

If Greater Idaho Movement campaigners have their way, the Gem State could become the first to gain substantial territory at the expense of another U.S. state. The grassroots organization looking to relocate 15 counties from eastern Oregon into conservative Idaho is clearly gaining momentum.
1/6/23, 6:40 AM

The dangerous politicisation of the EU budget

The European Union readily perceives itself as an organisation unable to command the respect of its member states, an entity with no real powers to enforce its decisions.
1/3/23, 1:02 PM

Behind QatarGate: the octopus of Islamist infiltration into the European Institutions

Qatar Gate is the name of an unprecedented scandal in the European bubble.
12/29/22, 11:50 PM

What would happen if Orbán did what Germany just did?

While Hungary stands accused of „Rule of Law” deficiencies, Germany’s leftwing goverment has just passed a law that may well end up costing citizens their jobs, if they disagree with the government.
12/22/22, 8:47 PM

The War on Christmas revisited

In Hungary, even the communists failed to completely eradicate Christmas from the festive calendar. Across the contemporary West, however, the Christian religious and cultural celebration is steadily being pushed back into an obscure corner of private life.
12/8/22, 9:38 AM

Hungary, Europe's sentinel

To be right against all odds, to see the grass grow before others, to look at the moon when others look at the finger pointing at it. This seems to be the fate of this country, and of Central Europe in general.
12/2/22, 8:50 AM

Trans totalitarianism: the most sordid face of gender nihilism

In the crowded woke galaxy there are plenty of delirious ideologies but none has a DNA as totalitarian as that of the "trans" collective.
12/2/22, 8:48 AM

MCC Podcast: Can Hungary be a Political Example for France?

In this talk with Eszter Soos, he discusses the European dimension of Hungarian politics with a specific focus on France.
12/2/22, 8:45 AM

MCC Votes & Seats Podcast: Danish early legislative election, 2022

Following the publication of the study on the killing of minks during the COVID-19 pandemic, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen was persuaded to announce a snap parliamentary election. Our guest analyst, Dr. Christian Egander Skov explains that the election campaign centered around issues of economic unpredictability as well as energy and defense security.
11/28/22, 9:11 AM

Macron’s new course ?

The European political landscape is undergoing a great upheaval.
11/24/22, 7:40 PM

A Scholar’s Ten Commandments

As a researcher, teacher, and writer, I always felt that scholarly life must be approached with a consciously chosen attitude.
11/24/22, 11:44 AM

Ocean Viking: Europe in the infernal spiral of its hypocrisies

The time has come to ask the question of repatriating to the national level certain competences in the field of migration, particularly concerning border control.
11/20/22, 10:19 AM

Turkey’s plans to fight climate change as it marks the anniversary of ratifying the Paris Agreement

Nearly 5 years after the Turkish parliament signed The Paris Agreement, the treaty was ratified on the 6th of October 2021, according to the Secretary-General of the United Nations. Now the country is ready to declare its goals to take part in the international collaboration against climate change.
11/18/22, 10:05 AM

Thunbergism: Could Greta’s communist moment spell the beginning of the end?

The Swedish climate activist is transforming from a walking exclamation mark into an icon of the anti-capitalist Left. But by doing so, she risks losing her appeal to the moderate majority.
11/16/22, 11:33 AM

The Leader as an Authority: On the Difference between Authoritarian and Authoritative Leadership

In the contemporary world, while reading newspaper comments or political analyses, we repeatedly encounter certain key concepts. These terms are consciously introduced with the express aim of setting the general tone of a given publication. Among the preferred notions proposed by prominent journalists of our time, two receive a particular attention: authoritarian and authoritative.
11/9/22, 3:43 PM

A Literary Look at Germany’s Political Parties

Words don’t come easy when trying to understand the ever more chaotic political landscape in Germany. Maybe it helps to compare some parties to works of literature.
11/9/22, 10:50 AM

The Death of Duty

Duty, that is the principle that a person holds certain obligations or responsibilities which cannot be voluntarily removed, has been one of the many principles forcefully ejected by the West in the 20th and 21st century.
11/6/22, 8:27 AM

Hungarian ancestry: a shared starting point

During and after World War II, and again after 1956, the Széchényi family had little option but to flee their homeland.
10/8/22, 9:08 AM

Russia: Orbán’s strategic shift

There is a widespread view that Hungary’s relations with Russia are so close that they represent a betrayal of the „West”, the EU and Nato.
10/2/22, 2:52 PM

The World Economy as an Instrument of War

The West has tried to turn the world economy from a vector of peace into an instrument of war.
9/28/22, 7:42 PM

What to Expect from the New British Government

If the hard turn to pure supply-side economics fails, it will not only bring down the British Government and the country's standing in the world, but perhaps fatally hole the reputation of free market theory in general.
9/28/22, 9:38 AM

Framing a ´sustainable´ international investment environment in the Arctic: a general overview

The Arctic region has become a “great economic frontier”, hosting multiple economic activities and attracting a large amount of foreign investment. At the same time, from many parts there is a growing request of promoting “sustainable” investment in the region. How can “sustainability” be achieved in the framework of the relevant international investment environment?
9/19/22, 10:09 AM

European "Values" and the Resolution on Hungary

Von der Leyen wants a genuinely supranational EU in which supreme power will be wielded by the central organs of Brussels over member states and their electorates.
9/18/22, 10:29 AM

The colourful economies behind the Guinness stout

The word Guinness might just mean the ruby-red stout for most people around the world, but in the hearts and minds of Dubliners the word is filled with a much deeper importance as the Guinness family and their company has been at the centre of the city’s history since 1759.
8/1/22, 12:02 PM

Afghanistan: the Current State of Affairs and Projections for the Future

Even with assistance Afghanistan often found itself on the verge of food insecurity.
8/1/22, 11:25 AM

A Leader as a Guest

We tend to praise a man or a woman who starts to work in the company’s lower echelon and, after having completed the learning curve of various positions, reaches the top and becomes a successful leader.
7/5/22, 2:57 PM

Which protection against economic cyber espionage? A focus on Hungary

Hungarian companies, like all companies worldwide, are increasingly exposed to economic cyber espionage. At the international, EU and national levels, the relevant regulatory framework is rather fragmented, which makes it difficult for companies to identity the appropriate legal instrument.
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