Knowledge base of the Mathias Corvinus Collegium

Donald Trump

2/8/21, 10:05 AM

Big Techs and politics: the self-proclaimed fifth power

Do we want to sail those waters preserving our democracies or are we ready to trade our rights for a couple of clicks to a trust of “illuminated” Big Techs? By Rodrigo Ballester.
12/10/20, 4:55 PM
Author: Corvinák

Julius Krein - Why Did Trump Lose the Elections?

In this MCC Podcast our guest was Julius Krein, founder and editor of the journal American Affairs.
11/24/20, 8:54 AM
Author: Corvinák

Will a Biden Presidency lead to a Revitalized NATO?

After a bruising US presidential election season, the inauguration of a Joe Biden Administration on January 20th appears all but certain. Despite the antics of name-calling and mudslinging on both sides of the political aisle, the results of the 2020 election will have very important implications in how the United States will interact with long-standing multi-national institutions. It is widely felt within these institutions, that America has undermined, or even abandoned much of the international order over the last four years under President Trump.
10/13/20, 3:37 PM

Je suis Quinn Simmons

A talented sportsman succinctly expressing its sympathy for Trump on social networks, a young men simply daring to contradict a sport journalist who felt morally superior to millions of American voters, a white person using a black hand? Rodrigo Ballester on the Simmons scandal.

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