Knowledge base of the Mathias Corvinus Collegium
7/4/24, 9:46 PM

MCC Votes & Seats Podcast: A Republic in Crisis - The French Elections

The first round of the French elections delivered a powerful victory to Marine Le Pen and a humiliating defeat for French President Emmanual Macron.
7/2/24, 8:13 PM

What are universities for?

The continued existence of universities belies the fundamental changes that have occurred over the course of a millennia. The number of universities and students has increased exponentially and their purpose and cultural significance has been transformed.
3/4/21, 11:59 AM
Author: Nicole Nemeth

Nationalism and The Core Idea of Americanism

While there has been a marked shift in focus on individual identity over the past decades, a critical and grounding element of the definition of oneself is the concept of nationhood and national identity. The theory of “nationhood,” however, is not merely where one is from, or even where their ancestors were from geographically, but is a far more intricate and nuanced conception.
3/3/21, 3:28 PM

EPP vs. Fidesz: Six observations

Fidesz has left the European People’s Party’s (EPP) parliamentary group. The two year long drama between the EU’s Christian-Democrat umbrella party and it’s strongest performing (in terms of electoral results) single member has thus essentially come to an end. What happened is in the news: Fidesz has left the EPP’s parliamentary group.
2/25/21, 9:50 AM
Author: Corvinák

Introducing the Budapest Fellows (MCC Podcast)

Péter speaks to George Bogden and Stephen Sholl about their experiences in Hungary and the similarities (and differences) between Central Europe and the USA.
2/8/21, 10:05 AM

Big Techs and politics: the self-proclaimed fifth power

Do we want to sail those waters preserving our democracies or are we ready to trade our rights for a couple of clicks to a trust of “illuminated” Big Techs? By Rodrigo Ballester.
2/4/21, 4:20 PM
Author: Corvinák

The future of the EU: messianic or pragmatic?

Our guest is the Head of the Centre for European Affairs at MCC, Rodrigo Ballester.
1/29/21, 1:02 PM

How the EU mismanaged its Covid vaccination campaign

Why are some non-EU countries better than the EU at vaccinating their citizens against the Covid virus? By Boris Kálnoky.
1/28/21, 9:23 AM
Author: Corvinák

Ukraine: a country at war

In this episode we welcomed our first foreign guest, Dmytro Tuzhanskyi, Ukranian journalist and political analyst.
1/14/21, 2:45 PM
Author: Corvinák

Truth is tyrannical (?)

In this episode Péter speaks to Rusty Reno, Editor of First Things magazine.
1/11/21, 12:27 PM

The art of the veto, the art of the deal

Now, as the "media noise" is dying away it's worth looking back to the Hungarian-Polish veto of 2020. Was it something actually extraordinary in the way the majority of the media coverage presented? Or not at all? A unique analysis by Rodrigo Ballester.
12/17/20, 1:23 PM
Author: Corvinák

Post-Liberal? Post-Christian? New MCC Podcast with Gladden Pappin

In this podcast Péter speaks to Gladden Pappin, assistant professor of politics at the University of Dallas, co-founder and deputy editor of the American Affairs journal.

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