Joanna Williams

2/6/25, 8:29 AM

Mire felnő, woke lesz? Az oktatás az új politikai törésvonal

Az elmúlt évtizedekben újfajta politikai megosztottság alakult ki. Sok országban ma már nem a társadalmi osztály, hanem az iskolai végzettség alapján lehet a legpontosabban megjósolni, hogy az emberek hogyan fognak szavazni a választásokon.
1/28/25, 3:22 PM

Growing up woke? Education is the new political faultline

New political divides have emerged in recent decades. In many countries, it is now education and not social class that most accurately predicts how people will vote in elections.
7/22/24, 7:38 PM

In Defence of Exams

Exams are vital to maintaining and raising standards. They must be defended.
7/22/24, 7:29 PM

A vizsgák védelmében

A vizsgák létfontosságúak a színvonal fenntartásához és emeléséhez. A vizsgákat meg kell védeni.
7/10/24, 9:34 PM

Mire jók az egyetemek?

Az évezredek során bekövetkezett változások dacára egyetemek még mindig léteztek, ám míg számuk és a hallgatók létszáma exponenciálisan nőtt, céljuk és kulturális jelentőségük megváltozott.
7/2/24, 8:13 PM

What are universities for?

The continued existence of universities belies the fundamental changes that have occurred over the course of a millennia. The number of universities and students has increased exponentially and their purpose and cultural significance has been transformed.
6/12/24, 8:35 PM

The Crisis of Socialisation

Socialisation is the process by which children are taught to behave in ways that meet the expectations of society.
5/27/24, 1:01 PM

Children do not need lessons in mental health

For more than a decade, teachers, counselors, and school psychologists have all been playing shrink.
5/2/24, 3:09 PM

In Defence of Standards

The determination of parents to secure a place for their child at a good school suggests that, among the general public at least, high educational standards are valued. However, among teachers, policy-makers and educational theorists, there is disagreement about the meaning of standards and little consensus that securing high standards is an important aim for schools.
4/23/24, 1:49 PM

Teachers should not be political activists

The politicisation of education produces ‘activist teachers’, pedagogues whose primary allegiance is to political progressivism rather than the transmission of knowledge.
3/25/24, 9:31 AM

Politicisation of Education

The introduction of new subjects such as Citizenship, and the decolonisation of traditional academic subjects such as history, reveals the extent to which teaching is now politicised in ways that are entirely antithetical to classical education.
3/14/24, 9:41 AM

Undermining national identity through citizenship education

The European Parliament wants citizenship education to be a ‘policy priority at EU level.’
2/28/24, 6:29 PM

Against Decolonising the Curriculum

The most explicit argument for separating education from the legacy of the past is made under the banner of ‘decolonise’. Movements to ‘decolonise the curriculum’ began in higher education but rapidly migrated to schools.
2/26/24, 9:01 AM

History Teaching In Crisis

Education is intrinsically connected to the past.