Board of Patrons:
- János Csák - Former Hungarian Minister for Culture and Innovation, Former Ambassador of Hungary to London
- Dr. Zoltán Lomnici - Lawyer, President of the Curia Council, Former President of the Supreme Court
- †John Lukács - Historian
- Nándor Fa - Sailor, Shipbuilder
- Dr. Péter Forgách - Ophthalmologist, Founder of the Calasanctius Scholarship Foundation
- Dr. Miklós Maróth - Professor, Orientalist, Classical Philologist, Full Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- †Dr. András Oplatka - Central and Eastern Europe Expert, Journalist
- Dr. Péter Paczolay - Former President of the Constitutional Court
- Krisztián Sauska - Owner, CEO, Light Sources
- Dr. Lajos Vékás - Professor of Law, Full Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
International Advisory Board:
- Prof. Dr. Gwyn Bevan - Director, Professor, LSE, London
- Prof. dr. Ceferi Soler Vicente - Professor, ESADE Business School, Barcelona
- Prof. Dr. David Venter - Professor, Practising Psychologist for 15 Years, Former Communications Advisor to Nelson Mandela
- Prof. Dr. Guido Stein - Professor, IESE Business School, Barcelona
- Prof. Dr. Stephen Perkins - Professor Emeritus, London Metropolitan University, UK, Senior Research Fellow, Global Policy Institute
Board of Trustees:
- Dr. Balázs Orbán, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Political Director of the Prime Minister
- Dr. András Lánczi, Rector of Corvinus University of Budapest
- László Madarász, Banker, Financial Expert
- Áron Szakács, Managing Dirctor at Széchenyi Program Office
- Dr. Zoltán Szalai, Director General of MCC
Foundation Trustee:
- Dr. Balázs Korim
The Supervisory Board:
- Dr. Gergely Deli - President
- Zoltán Kovács-Osváth
- Dr. Levente Hegedűs