Knowledge base of the Mathias Corvinus Collegium

Nicole Nemeth

7/8/21, 2:41 PM
Author: Corvinák

"Hungary has become our second home"

Interview with two fellows of the Budapest Fellowship Program.
3/4/21, 11:59 AM
Author: Nicole Nemeth

Nationalism and The Core Idea of Americanism

While there has been a marked shift in focus on individual identity over the past decades, a critical and grounding element of the definition of oneself is the concept of nationhood and national identity. The theory of “nationhood,” however, is not merely where one is from, or even where their ancestors were from geographically, but is a far more intricate and nuanced conception.
12/4/20, 9:30 AM
Author: Corvinák

Why This Justice Matters

With all eyes focused on the ongoing disputes of the 2020 United States Presidential election, there is another battle taking shape before our eyes that is set to have a significant impact on both the legal and legislative branches for decades to come.

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