The incumbent ANO 2011 party remained the single largest party after the election, but it lost its coalition potential. The former supporters of Prime Minister Babiš, the historical Czech Social Democratic Party and the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia failed to pass the threshold and fell out of the House. Two electoral alliances, the conservative Spolu (Together) and the liberal Pirates and Mayors won more than half of the seats, and agreed that they would like to govern jointly under the leadership of the Civic Democratic Party, Petr Fiala. The hospitalisation of President Zeman and his intention to first ask Babiš to try to build a sufficient majority on his behalf may prolong government formation. In principle, ANO could team up with the Freedom and Direct Democracy, the radical party of Okamura, and detach one or two parties from the conservative or liberal alliance. However, if the latter remains adamant to work together, Babiš has no chance to keep his position as prime minister. Should Spolu and the Pirates and Mayors govern together, they may find it very difficult to maintain their internal stability, to preserve credits with the mainstream European parties and institutions, while successfully representing Czech national interests. One thing is certain though: if they form the new Czech government, it will be far less interested in strengthening the Visegrad platform, as these political parties have been critical of the Budapest-Warsaw dominance of the V4 cooperation.

2021. október 15.
MCC Votes & Seats Podcast: Czech Legislative Election, 2021
PhDr. Ladislav Cabada, vice-rector of the Metropolitan University Prague explained us the results of the Czech election to the House of Representatives held on 8 and 9 October. He gave us an overview of the most important campaign issues, described the main parties, elaborated the hardships of government formation, and discussed what the change in government could mean on the Czech EU policies and the Visegrad cooperation.
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