Knowledge base of the Mathias Corvinus Collegium


12/4/20, 9:30 AM
Author: Corvinák

Why This Justice Matters

With all eyes focused on the ongoing disputes of the 2020 United States Presidential election, there is another battle taking shape before our eyes that is set to have a significant impact on both the legal and legislative branches for decades to come.
11/23/20, 9:10 AM
Author: Corvinák

BILD, Tabloid Journalism and Populism

Populism has become a dirty word in politics, although in its original meaning it should be an elementary democratic virtue. What the People (“populus”) want, expect, express, should be part of the political discussion in any democracy.
11/10/20, 4:22 PM

Inside Nanny Journalism

Media don’t always trust their readers to form “responsible” opinions. The result is something critics call “Nanny Journalism”, which not only informs, but tries to guide the public. A view from the inside.
10/13/20, 3:37 PM

Je suis Quinn Simmons

A talented sportsman succinctly expressing its sympathy for Trump on social networks, a young men simply daring to contradict a sport journalist who felt morally superior to millions of American voters, a white person using a black hand? Rodrigo Ballester on the Simmons scandal.
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