Knowledge base of the Mathias Corvinus Collegium
3/19/25, 9:53 AM
Author: Dorina Bosits

The Weltraumgesetz Magnified– Content and Provisions of Austria’s Outer Space Act

Austria’s Weltraumgesetz (Austrian Outer Space Act) was introduced in 2011 to bring Austria’s space industry within international regulations and regulate the industry’s rapid growth. As a backbone of space sovereignty, the Act regulates space activities, establishes a National Registry and establishes authorization criteria of space activities. It also requires liability insurance for commercial space operators.
3/14/25, 9:15 PM

What is education for?

It is easy, and necessary, to critique much of what happens in schools and universities today. Far more difficult is the task of defining education in positive terms.
2/21/25, 9:53 PM

What Makes a Great School? Lessons in Leadership and Learning

In most English-speaking countries schools are swamped with government pressures to help solve whatever the problems of the moment happen to be. The image of schools preoccupied with these sorts of issues is not going to help our main objectives.
2/7/25, 11:42 AM
Author: Dorina Bosits

The Importance of Space – The Austrian Approach to Outer Space Activity

Austria plays a major role in the development of the international and European space initiatives and has charted out a unique place within space law and industry. Through both the Austrian Space Agency and the Austrian Outer Space Act, Austria uses its outer space activity to support and maintain its own sovereignty.
1/28/25, 3:22 PM

Growing up woke? Education is the new political faultline

New political divides have emerged in recent decades. In many countries, it is now education and not social class that most accurately predicts how people will vote in elections.
7/22/24, 7:38 PM

In Defence of Exams

Exams are vital to maintaining and raising standards. They must be defended.
7/4/24, 9:46 PM

MCC Votes & Seats Podcast: A Republic in Crisis - The French Elections

The first round of the French elections delivered a powerful victory to Marine Le Pen and a humiliating defeat for French President Emmanual Macron.
7/2/24, 8:13 PM

What are universities for?

The continued existence of universities belies the fundamental changes that have occurred over the course of a millennia. The number of universities and students has increased exponentially and their purpose and cultural significance has been transformed.
6/20/24, 7:57 PM

What Economic Objectives Does Hungary's Southern Opening Policy Serve?

The analysis aims to explore the economic objectives that Hungary's Southern Opening Policy may serve for its economy. To achieve this understanding, the analysis will delve into the Southern Opening Policy, examining its background, implementation strategies, and potential economic impacts on the Hungarian economy.
6/12/24, 8:35 PM

The Crisis of Socialisation

Socialisation is the process by which children are taught to behave in ways that meet the expectations of society.
5/27/24, 1:01 PM

Children do not need lessons in mental health

For more than a decade, teachers, counselors, and school psychologists have all been playing shrink.
5/27/24, 3:13 AM

Ethiopia's Development Journey and the Tigray Conflict

This article explores Ethiopia's developmental trajectory, scrutinizing its geopolitical, ethical, and political challenges, all of which significantly impede its economic advancement. The (de)stability of Ethiopia doesn't just influence the East African region; it also has a significant impact on the entire African continent, given that it serves as the central state of the African Union, with its headquarters located here.
5/2/24, 3:09 PM

In Defence of Standards

The determination of parents to secure a place for their child at a good school suggests that, among the general public at least, high educational standards are valued. However, among teachers, policy-makers and educational theorists, there is disagreement about the meaning of standards and little consensus that securing high standards is an important aim for schools.
4/30/24, 10:53 AM

MCC Podcast: Building a Conservative Future for America

Saurabh Sharma is the president and co-founder of American Moment, an organization dedicated to helping young American conservatives build their careers and fill positions of influence.
4/23/24, 1:49 PM

Teachers should not be political activists

The politicisation of education produces ‘activist teachers’, pedagogues whose primary allegiance is to political progressivism rather than the transmission of knowledge.
4/23/24, 1:38 PM

MCC Podcast: Asia Meets Hungary - Learning from Asia project: Indonesian Student in Hungary

Podcast with Bimba – Fourth episode with Rizvika: Studying as an Indonesian PhD student in Hungary and reflecting on both Hungarian and Indonesian education.
4/22/24, 10:29 AM
Author: Yann Caspar

A complete turnaround in relations between France and Morocco?

Since 2017, Emmanuel Macron has favoured relations with Algeria, which is hostile to Morocco. The French president has tried to move closer to Algeria, but in doing so has mainly distanced himself from Morocco. However, this has changed recently, notably with the arrival of Stéphane Séjourné at the head of the French Foreign Ministry. Paris and Rabat are renewing their relations in many areas, incurring the wrath of Algiers.
4/12/24, 8:22 AM

MCC Votes & Seats Podcast: Legislative Election in Portugal, 2024

With the most appreciated contribution of Mr. Alexandre de Sousa Carvalho from the University of Coimbra, the Votes&Seats podcast series gladly issues its episode on the March 2024 Portuguese early legislative election.
3/25/24, 9:31 AM

Politicisation of Education

The introduction of new subjects such as Citizenship, and the decolonisation of traditional academic subjects such as history, reveals the extent to which teaching is now politicised in ways that are entirely antithetical to classical education.
3/22/24, 9:35 AM

MCC Podcast | Asia Meets Hungary - Learning from Asia project: Filipino Student in Hungary

Bimba, a junior researcher of the "Learning from Asia" project, is hosting a podcast featuring Asian PhD students in Hungary.

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