Knowledge base of the Mathias Corvinus Collegium
7/4/24, 9:46 PM

MCC Votes & Seats Podcast: A Republic in Crisis - The French Elections

The first round of the French elections delivered a powerful victory to Marine Le Pen and a humiliating defeat for French President Emmanual Macron.
7/2/24, 8:13 PM

What are universities for?

The continued existence of universities belies the fundamental changes that have occurred over the course of a millennia. The number of universities and students has increased exponentially and their purpose and cultural significance has been transformed.
6/8/23, 2:29 PM

MCC Podcast: Fellow Talks - A Borderless Experience: Transcarpathia and Transylvania in the Focus

The Budapest Fellows ventured to various towns and cities across the Carpathian Basin with the purpose of understanding the Hungarian nation as a whole.
5/30/23, 1:49 PM

Lost sense of reality? International courts and human rights

In the 21st century, everything appears to revolve around rights – human rights, fundamental rights, constitutional rights. But is a social and international order desirable in which all claims and interests are dressed as subjective rights, and when judging things, all other considerations (morality, religion, rationality, efficiency, public interest or even nature) are subordinated to the imperative of fundamental rights and rights-based reasoning? This, then, is the central query presented by Oxford University Emeritus Professor Nigel Biggar's book What's wrong with rights?.
5/22/23, 2:48 PM

MCC Podcast: Securing the Future of a Community - South African Practices and Prospects

In this thought-provoking podcast episode, Ernst Roets, a prominent writer, filmmaker, and defender of the Afrikaner (Boer) community, explores the practices and prospects of securing the future of a community in South Africa.
5/18/23, 11:14 AM

MCC Podcast: Fellow Talks - The Energy Crisis from a Transatlantic Eye

How can we make sound policy decisions?
5/13/23, 11:34 AM

Can “Islamic Finance” be a suitable tool to replace “conventional” securities in the future?

The Islamic financial system is experiencing significant growth with Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Malaysia being the dominant countries in terms of the concentration of Islamic assets. London serves as the center of Islamic finance in the Western world. Islamic banking encompasses various activities such as banking, leasing, securities market, equity market, and investment funds.
5/11/23, 9:46 PM

Comorbidity in ADHD

In the following, I would like to take a closer look at the high comorbidity of ADHD, as the background of social impairments can often be related to the combined effect of several disorders, which complicates the work of both researchers and clinicians in getting a better grasp at the disorder’s characteristics and diagnosing it.
5/11/23, 9:44 PM

Study support group for students with a diagnosis of ADHD/ADD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects both children and adults.
5/11/23, 9:31 PM

MCC Podcast: The Family Down Under - Australia's Family Policy

If you have every wondered what people think about the nuclear family down under, this MCC podcast episode is for you!
5/8/23, 11:31 AM

Brussels' Messianic Reflex

To what extent does the European Union have competence for sex education of minors in Hungary? On what legal basis does the EU claim that it can challenge this law?
5/8/23, 9:02 AM

MCC Podcast | Diplomaci Podcast - Are Things Going South in America? Political Landscape Analysis

Welcome to the first instalment of the Diplomaci podcast where we analyse international politics from a Hungarian point of view.

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