Knowledge base of the Mathias Corvinus Collegium
4/23/24, 1:38 PM

MCC Podcast: Asia Meets Hungary - Learning from Asia project: Indonesian Student in Hungary

Podcast with Bimba – Fourth episode with Rizvika: Studying as an Indonesian PhD student in Hungary and reflecting on both Hungarian and Indonesian education.
4/22/24, 10:29 AM

A complete turnaround in relations between France and Morocco?

Since 2017, Emmanuel Macron has favoured relations with Algeria, which is hostile to Morocco. The French president has tried to move closer to Algeria, but in doing so has mainly distanced himself from Morocco. However, this has changed recently, notably with the arrival of Stéphane Séjourné at the head of the French Foreign Ministry. Paris and Rabat are renewing their relations in many areas, incurring the wrath of Algiers.
3/2/23, 10:02 PM

The game of life: on the playful elements in human behaviour

For some time I have been thinking about the presence of playful elements in human behaviour that, at first glance, have little to do with play itself as we perform or observe it.
2/23/23, 9:20 AM

MCC Podcast: University Performance Assessment from the Aspect of Global Rankings

Today, higher education systems are influenced by global university rankings.
2/21/23, 2:34 PM

Central and Eastern Europe and the Anglo-Saxon world viewed in four master-pieces of English and German literature

It is worth exploring literature in order to search some kind of help, if not proper explanations, to the current conflict in Europe.
2/21/23, 1:03 PM

MCC Podcast: Hostile Environment? – Religion and Academia in the United States

What are typical examples of hostility experienced by Christian students and academics in the United States?
2/16/23, 8:20 PM
Author: Heinz Theisen

Self-assertion in globalization – The West must embrace the new reality of self limitation

The will for self-assertion in the Western world seems to be weakening, and this is particularly true for Germany and the German social elite, from higher education to the media and parliaments. Instead of asserting themselves, they were busy criticising and disrupting our culture and interests.
2/13/23, 9:04 AM

The EU is making a huge mistake by excluding Hungarian students from Erasmus+ funding

Young Hungarians will vent their anger on the Brussels bureaucracy instead of the country’s maverick government.
2/12/23, 3:06 PM

Why we should all follow the debate around Australia Day

An angry debate raging 15,000 kilometres from Budapest is instructive of the Left’s efforts to discredit and hollow out our shared moments of national remembrance.
1/30/23, 6:00 AM
Author: Song Lilei

Hungary's choice between China- EU relations: a "ferry country"

The complexity of the EU's policy toward China is becoming increasingly prominent. First,with China's economic output exceeding that of the 27 EU countries combined, Europe increasingly sees China as a major economic and technological competitor.
1/25/23, 6:00 AM

Discovering the Wheel: Classical Legal Solutions to the Problems of the Information Age

Despite the constant changes around us, some things remain the same. Human beings still fall in love and, as we are reminded recently, we also fall in war. It is still easier to fill a stadium to watch a football match than to hear a lecture about law. And Europeans still have long memories of the past while Americans have long visions of the future.
1/23/23, 12:41 PM
Author: Eric Hendriks

Chinese Political Thought Between Nation and World

Since modernity entered China in the mid-nineteenth century, national empowerment has stood at the heart of Chinese political thought. It has been modern China's central political objective to acquire national “wealth and power” (富强). It is the central motif in Xi Jinping’s speeches and animated the reform movement of Deng Xiaoping, the Stalinist regime of Mao Zedong, and the writings of earlier modernizing intellectuals such as Kang Youwei, Liang Qiqao, and Chen Duxiu. The phrase “wealth and power” may sound very materialistic, but both sides have a spiritual dimension. China is also to become spiritually prosperous, while power is also the power to interpret and judge things independently. Dignity is crucial. China does not want to be a peripheral, underdeveloped, and abused corner of a world where Western powers, and America in particular, call the shots politically and set the standards ideologically and culturally. No, the Chinese nation should be able to face the world with pride and confidence.

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