I graduated in Social Policy at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Pécs. I am a doctoral candidate in the Interdisciplinary Social Research program of the ELTE, Doctoral School of Sociology. My research interests are elite Roma education and higher education institutions, the sociodemographic background of Roma families, and the family formation and childbearing plans and attitudes of Roma students.
After my studies in social policy, I worked in the public administration and then helped to found the Jesuit Roma College, where I started as a study director and was later appointed rector of the institution. After that I worked as an external researcher at the Center for Social Sciences, Institute for Minority Studies and as a professional leader of the Roma Platform initiative. Since 2018, I have been the Head of the Center for Social Groups Research at the Kopp Maria Institute for Families and Population (KINCS), which I currently lead on a part-time basis.
Full-time, I am responsible for the professional and operational management of the MCC Roma Talent Program.