Gábor Halász is a Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He is an emeritus professor at the Faculty of Education and Psychology at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), the former head of the Center for Higher Education and Innovation Research, and a program leader at the Doctoral School of Education.

The subjects he has taught include education policy, the sociology of higher education, education and European integration, the theory of education systems, and global trends in educational research. Previously, he served as Director General of the National Institute for Public Education, later holding the position of scientific advisor at its successor institution.

Professor Halász has worked as an expert consultant in several countries for various international organizations, particularly the OECD, the European Commission, the World Bank, and the Council of Europe. Between 1996 and 2021, he represented Hungary on the Governing Board of the OECD’s Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI), serving twice as its chair. Since 2021, Professor Halász has led a four-year research project examining the effectiveness of different forms of teacher training and professional development. Previously, he directed several multi-year research projects on the impact of developmental interventions on classroom processes in schools, as well as the emergence, dissemination, and systemic effects of local innovations.