Dávid Jánossy was born in 1988 in Budapest, where he grew up in a loving, large family with his five siblings. After graduating from Deák Téri Lutheran High School, he was admitted to the Faculty of Economics at Corvinus University of Budapest, where he earned his degree as an economist in 2011.

In his professional career, he gained experience in both the competitive sector and public administration, both in Hungary and abroad. His work provided him with valuable insights into talent management for young people through the Carpathian Basin Talent Search Foundation. As a volunteer, he has organized thematic summer camps for secondary school students for many years and contributed to the Elizabeth Program, which offers camps for primary and secondary school students at Lake Balaton.

Over the past decade, thanks to his previous roles and volunteer activities, he has worked extensively with young people. As the MCC University Program Coordinator, he now uses this experience and knowledge to further support them. He feels deeply honored to collaborate with MCC's professionally dedicated, motivated, and hard-working students, working daily toward shared goals and a strong community.

In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his family and son. He also likes exploring new sports, playing the cello, and reading whenever the opportunity arises.