Dr. Joon Hyung Kim is Professor of the International Studies Department, Handong Global University. He was Chancellor of the KNDA (Korea National Diplomatic Academy) from August 2019 to Auguts 2021. His areas of specialization and interests are theories of international relations, Northeast Asian relations including US-China, US-ROK, and North-South Korean relations. He was also invited as a Fulbright Visiting Scholar to George Mason University, USA and taught several courses. Since 2011, Dr. Kim has involved in the Korea Peace Forum, a renowned network-based think-tank specialized in the peace and unification. Since 2016, He has been a member of Moon Jae In’s presidential election camp, where he consulted and wrote major foreign policies. After Moon was elected, he joined the Government Transition Committee, and became a member of the Presidential Commission on Policy Planning (Security and Foreign Policy Sub-committee). In addition to that, he belongs to Advisory Committees to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Unification, and the National Security Council. Dr. Kim earned his Bachelor’s Degree at Yonsei University (1986), and M.A. and Ph.D. at George Washington University.
Joon Hyung Kim