I am Andrea Ménkű, a fourth-year law student at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of Eötvös Loránd University. I am currently participating in the Erasmus+ mobility programme at the Albert Ludwigs University in Freiburg. I have been a member of Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC) for four years now. I participated in the MCC Junior course and continued my studies at the Law School. During my undergraduate years, I became particularly interested in public law and joined the Public Law Workshop in the autumn of 2021. Under the guidance of my mentor, Dr Márton Sulyok, I am investigating the practice of end-of-life decisions in Hungarian and German practice, which raises many questions from both a legal and an ethical and moral perspective in our modern, individualistic world. The possibility of making a prior declaration, known colloquially as a living will, is a human dignity entitlement that every person with the capacity to act has, in order to make advance provision for the use, refusal or waiver of health care in the event of incapacity. The right of prior declaration, as part of the patient's right to self-determination, raises, inter alia, the dilemma of how it relates to the right to life and the State's duty to protect it. In the course of the research I will examine this and similar constitutional questions, and I will also seek answers to the question of how widespread, how effective and how well-established the system of refusing life-saving life-sustaining treatments is in practice in Hungary (and comparatively in Germany), also exploring the possible reasons for the effectiveness (frequency) or failure (lack of success) of such procedures. I will also examine the role of notaries in the procedure and compare the Hungarian and German systems.