I am János Ábel Újhelyi, a fourth-year law student at ELTE Faculty of Law, a junior researcher at the MCC Center for Geopolitics (formerly a student member of the MCC Center for Law and Society, and student of the MCC School of International Relations), member of the National Security Research Cell at the Advanced College for National Security, and volunteer sergeant major of the Hungarian Defense Forces. My main fields of interest include constitutional law, public international law, criminal law, security policy, national security and military history.

In addition to my current research at MCC, I am also involved in other research activities, namely the defensive fighting of the Hungarian 1st Army between 3 December 1944 and 22 January 1945, the Hungarian and Romanian military force development program in 2017, and the activities of the German Gehlen Organisation and the BND Residentura in Hungary between 1948 and 1956.

My research work at MCC focuses on the People's Court proceedings against Dr. László Bárdossy (1890-1946), former Hungarian Royal Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, in 1945, on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity, and I am primarily interested in whether or not the proceedings can be considered as show trial.