Heinz Theisen

2023. 02. 16. 20:23

Selbstbehauptung in der Globalisierung

Der Westen braucht einen neuen Realismus der Selbstbegrenzung.
2023. 02. 16. 20:22

Önérvényesítés a globalizációban

A Nyugatnak fel kell ismernie az önkorlátozás új valóságát.
2023. 02. 16. 20:20

Self-assertion in globalization – The West must embrace the new reality of self limitation

The will for self-assertion in the Western world seems to be weakening, and this is particularly true for Germany and the German social elite, from higher education to the media and parliaments. Instead of asserting themselves, they were busy criticising and disrupting our culture and interests.