Visiting Fellows Home | About Us | Organization | International Guests | Visiting Fellows Organization Leadership Academic Units Departments International Guests Visiting Fellows Guest Speakers Boards Zoltán Ács Economist, Professor at George Mason University, The London School of Economics Visiting Fellow Calum TM. Nicholson Director of Research at the Danube Institute Visiting Fellow Gadi Taub Historian, Author, Screenwriter and Political commentator Visiting Fellow Gladden J. Pappin President of the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs Visiting Fellow Holm Putzke Professor for Criminal Law at the University of Passau, Professor of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedural Law and Commercial Law at the EBS University Visiting Fellow K. Zsolt Lengyel Director of the Hungarian Institute of the University of Regensburg Visiting Fellow Peter Boghossian Philosopher, Former Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Portland State University Visiting Fellow Sergei Andreyev Orientalist, Former Lecturer at the University of Oxford, Former Chief of the Analysis Unit at the United Nations Visiting Fellow Lee John Strang Executive Director of the Salmon P. Chase Center for Civics, Culture, and Society at Ohio State University Visiting Fellow Rod Dreher Author, Journalist, Director of the Network Project of the Danube Institute Visiting Fellow Edouard Husson Historian, Former Director-General of ESCP Europe, Former Vice-President at PSL University Visiting Fellow Heather Mac Donald New York Times Bestselling Author, Fellow at the Manhattan Institute Visiting Fellow Huub Ruël Head of Academic Development at University College Twente Visiting Fellow Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Author, Historian, Philosopher Visiting Fellow Marc-Michael Blum Biochemist, Former Head of OPCW Laboratory Visiting Fellow Mark Milosch Historian, Former Chief of Staff for the U.S. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe Visiting Fellow Patrick Shoaf Gray Dean of the Center for Arts and Letters at the University of Austin, Texas Visiting Fellow Simon P. Kennedy Senior Research Fellow at University of Queensland, Managing Editor at Quadrant Magazine Visiting Fellow Ulrich Schlie Director of the Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies at the University of Bonn Visiting Fellow Werner Josef Patzelt Research Director of MCC Brussels Visiting Fellow Adam J. MacLeod Professor of Law at Faulkner University, Former Thomas Edison Fellow at George Mason University Visiting Fellow Paul Peter Gilfillan Senior Lecturer of Psychology, Sociology and Education at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh Visiting Fellow Vsevolod Rozanov Physician, Professor of Suicidology at Saint-Petersburg State University Visiting Fellow Julius Strauss Journalist, War Correspondent Visiting Fellow Kristoffer Josef Mousten Hansen Mises Institute Fellow, Research Assistant at the Institute for Economic Policy at Leipzig University Visiting Fellow Diego Muro Senior Lecturer in International Relations at the University of St. Andrews Visiting Fellow Eric Hendriks Sociologist, China Specialist, Visiting Fellow of the Danube Institute Visiting Fellow Frank-Lothar Kroll Professor of 19th and 20th Century European History at the Chemnitz University of Technology Visiting Fellow Heinz Theisen Senior Research Fellow at the Global Policy Institute, Professor at the Catholic University of Applied Sciences, North Rhine-Westphalia Visiting Fellow Song Lilei Associate Professor at the Institute of Central and Eastern Europe Studies at Tongji University Visiting Fellow Francesco Giubilei President of the Tatarella Foundation and Nazione Futura, Scientific director of the Alleanza Nazionale Foundation Visiting Fellow Helmuts Azacis Associate Professor in Economics at Cardiff Business School, Associate Editor of the International Journal of Economic Theory Visiting Fellow Miklos Lukacs de Pereny Research Professor at Universidad de San Martín de Porres Visiting Fellow Rafael Quintero Godínez Lecturer at Birmingham City University Visiting Fellow Manuel Goyanes Martinez Assistant Professor at University Carlos III of Madrid Visiting Fellow Simon Cottee Senior Lecturer in Criminology at the University of Kent, Contributing Writer for The Atlantic Visiting Fellow Ilan Wurman Associate Professor of Law at the University of Minnesota Visiting Fellow David R. Hodge Professor at Arizona State University Visiting Fellow Jorge González-Gallarza Senior Coordinator for the Iberosphere at the Center for Fundamental Rights, Co-host of the UnDecency Podcast Visiting Fellow Thibaud Gibelin Author, Political Scientist, Historian Visiting Fellow Catherine Horel Research Director at CNRS/CETOBAC-Paris, President of the International Committee for Historical Sciences Visiting Fellow Frank Füredi Emeritus Professor of Sociology at the University of Kent, Executive Director of MCC Brussels Visiting Fellow Dmitry Rudenkin Visiting Researcher at Yerevan State University, Non-resident Fellow at The George Washington University Visiting Fellow Henri de Montety Art Historian, Lecturer at the Catholic Institute of Higher Studies in Vendée, France Visiting Fellow Richard Schenk Research Fellow at MCC Brussels Visiting Fellow Aleksandar Nacev Vice Rector for Education at European University Skopje Visiting Fellow Audrey Unverferth Writer, Co-founder & Former Editor-in-Chief of the Chicago Thinker Visiting Fellow Conor Lenihan Founder of Global Tax Institute, Former Irish Minister of State Visiting Fellow Jan Bentz Lecturer, Tutor at Blackfriars Studium in Oxford Visiting Fellow Joanna Williams Author, Writer, Founder of Cieo Visiting Fellow John Laughland Author, Journalist, Historian, Lecturer at Catholic Institute of Higher Studies Visiting Fellow Dr. Leonardo Orlando Philosopher, researcher Visiting Fellow Ralph Schoellhammer Assistant Professor in Political Science at Webster University Vienna Visiting Fellow William Wood Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at the University of Pardubice Visiting Fellow Erik Bootsma Award-winning Classical Architect, Instructor at Catholic Distance University Visiting Fellow Henning Saßenrath Lecturer at the University of Würzburg Visiting Fellow Paul Maritz Researcher at the University of Leiden Visiting Fellow Stefan Luft Private Lecturer at the Institute for Political Science at the University of Bremen Visiting Fellow Peter Kurti Director of the Centre for Independent Studies, Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Notre Dame Australia Visiting Fellow Michael Sommer Professor of Ancient History at the Carl von Ossietzky University in Oldenburg Visiting Fellow Oliver Lembcke Professor of Political Science at Ruhr-Universität Bochum Visiting Fellow Reinhard Merkel Professor Emeritus of Criminal Law and Philosophy of Law at the University of Hamburg Visiting Fellow Tomasz G. Grosse Professor at the University of Warsaw Visiting Fellow Richard Werner Professor at the University of Winchester Visiting Fellow Todd Bensman Senior National Securuty Fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies Visiting Fellow Share: