Janus Pannonius, or János Czezmiczei, was one of King Matthias' close advisers and courtiers. Yet on several occasions during his lifetime, he 'disconnected' from the royal court and travelled the world. At times he studied in Nagyvárad, at times he performed his episcopal duties in Pécs, and at other times he accompanied his master, the king, on his military campaigns. (Although he took little pleasure in the latter.)
MCC's new postgraduate program was inspired by the complex career path of the humanist Janus. Due to the interdisciplinary approach of the Janus Pannonius Program Year, MCC School graduates can get the most out of any field of life and spend a professionally free and valuable year at MCC. Although the program is activity-based, anyone with average fitness and moderate endurance can complete it.
The Program provides free accommodation in any of MCC’s residence halls, access to all available services at MCC, participation in a unique cultural and social program which occurs one weekend per month, and a development scholarship.
Janus Pannonius Program Year
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